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13 May 2022 / by: Marketing

Because Duivestein exists 40 years this year it was a good reason for a nice staff party!  

Last Friday at 8:30 am a big party bus was ready to give all colleagues an unforgettable day. Nobody knew what was planned so it was a big surprise. With a good piece of music by our house DJs Noud and Mark, a party was already being built on the way to the first location! Arriving at the location the colleagues could choose from a number of activities such as a skid course, drifting and off-road driving. Of course this went with a good dose of humor and adrenaline.

In the afternoon, at the invitation of Plano and JWM, we made a stop for a tour of the factory. By evening, the bus parked on a cozy terrace where a delicious buffet was ready for all colleagues. After the delicious food, the party night continued in the Duivestein factory hall with Noud and Mark behind the turntable to make it a smashing end!

Here's to 41 years of Duivestein!