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For handling wooden frame parts coming from a Flowcat machine

MCJ Sorting System

The MCJ sorting system has been specially developed for handling wooden frame parts coming from a Flowcat machine. These frame parts must be temporarily stored (at least 20 minutes) in a drying rack and removed later for further processing.


The set-up as shown here consists of 3 fixed drying racks of 3 x 4 meters with drying rods with a length of 1.200 mm. The drying rack is divided into 3 sections where workpieces with a maximum length of 2.240 mm can be placed. The drying bars on the left are placed at a distance of 400 mm from each other, this for the minimum workpiece length of 500 mm. The drying rack has 18 floors, which gives a total of 54 positions, each of which can be loaded with 8 workpieces per layer. When the drying rack is fully loaded, there are 54x8 = 432 parts in the rack. The capacity does depend on the number of workpieces that can be stored per floor.


  • Workpiece weight: 33 kg maximum
  • Wooden frame parts
  • Drying rack has 18 levels
  • Drying rack has 54 positions
  • 8 workpieces per layer